Two papers presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) conference
Canning, Shelley, Blakeborough, D., Corman, M., Couse, C., Hatfield, G., Hughes, A., Jessiman, Murray, G., & Pritchard Orr, A. “How age-friendly are we? Conducting an age-friendly university audit.” Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) conference, Regina, SK, Canada (October).
Canning, Shelley, Couse, C., St-Martin, É. & Ramirez R. “Employing arts-based methods to explore perceptions of age and dementia among school children.” Paper presented at Closing the Research-Practice Gap: Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Science,the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) conference, Regina, SK, Canada (October).